shed happens™

Welcome to the home of SA's favourite euphemism.

Now you can wear it.

Stage 6 load shedding?

Been there. Done that. Got the t-shed.

Shed Happens Curation

Our signature collection of t-sheds. Be the envy of the office and... 

  • Manufacturing

    These shirts are made in South Africa! And are printed right here in Johannesburg by the really awesome people at In.It. Apparel using high quality DTG printing.

How It's Made

Shed Happened

Our story actually began a few years ago when some average Jane was trying to be a comedian and used "shed happens" instead of "sh*t happens". The pun was intended. Everyone laughed. The euphemism was born.

That same Jane never thought that "load shedding" would still be a thing 5 years later. 

​On a cold (dark) winter's morning she woke up in the middle of a power trip and she desperately wanted to make light of the situation... since our energy supplier is failing to make light...period.


  • The Vision

    We want people to have something light to put on when the power is off.